

Codium is a ficticious e-Commerce online coding school built with WordPress, PHP, and version-controlled with Git in a collaborative team environment. The goal was to present a site with an intuitive way to navigate content, sell online courses, and provide lessons in various coding languages that are succinct for users; such as HTML, PHP, Java, and many more. Each course offers lessons via videos, quizzes, and additional materials for users to download. In order to provide this service, my team and I implemented the Woocomerce and Sensei plugin.

Technologies Used

  • Figma
  • HTML
  • SaSS
  • WordPress
  • PHP
  • Git

My Role

  • Contributed in creating wireframes
  • Created Advanced Custom Fields for Instructors
  • Connected Instructors per Woocommerce Products
  • Developed and styled instructors page


The design goal was to make the website visually professional and the feeling of trustworthy


The following code snippet exhibits the use of WP query in order to retrieve the relationship ACF between instructor and Woocomerce products.

$coursesIds = get_field('instructors_courses', false, false);

$coursesQuery = new WP_Query(array(
  'post_type'      	=> 'product',
  'posts_per_page'	=> -1,
  'post__in'			=> $coursesIds,
  'post_status'		=> 'any',
  'orderby'        	=> 'post__in',

if($coursesQuery -> have_posts() ) {	
  echo '<section class="instructor-courses">';								
  echo '<h2>Courses Taught</h2>';
  while( $coursesQuery -> have_posts() ) {
    $coursesQuery -> the_post();		
    echo '<div>';
    echo '<h3>'. get_the_title() . '</h3>';								
    echo '</div>';						
  echo '</section>';
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Movie App